Kromask services: - Grey hair camouflage: they provide a temporary solution to hide the gray strands. - Experimenting with new looks: temporary change in hair color, allowing you to experiment with different shades. - Conditioning and nourishment: improve hair texture, add shine, and provide hydration, leaving the hair feeling soft and healthy. - Temporary color changes: it lasts a few shampoo, depending on hair porosity. - Enhancing natural hair color: add shades, lights or highlights to existing color. - Easy to use: easy to apply and quick processing time both in salon and at home.
Interneta vietnes, tai skaitā veikali izmanto sīkdatnes ( angļu val.cookies ), lai sniegtu labāko un ātrāko servisu. Sīkdatnes uzkrāj anonīmus datus par vietnes apmeklējumu un palīdz radīt ērtāku lietošanas pieredzi. Mēs izmantojam sīkdatnes. Lietojot šo vietni, Jūs apstiprināt, ka saprotat un piekrītat sīkdatņu izmantošanai Jūsu ierīcē.
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